Looking for experienced RP partners

Jan 28, 2017 10:15

Overview -

Name: Iblis
Age: 32
Timezone: EST

About me: I'm a gamer, artist and writer by hobby, an aircraft mechanic by trade. I'm open minded, passionate, caring and strong willed. I have a deep love and passion for English - hell, all language - and enjoy using my poetic style to construct thought provoking and emotion inducing works of art. I enjoy researching history, science but also the more hard to find and obscure canon archives of my favored fandoms. I like to find deeper meaning in curious, quirky things and hold a profound respect for the characters I write as, and by proxy a deep respect for their creators and writers.

My style: I tend to write novella pieces most often, though my common RP style is multi-para. I only do short posts when the tone calls for it or I'm just playing around in order to get my creative mind going again. I would appriciate if any who wish to become my RP partner respect this. My literary knowledge is proficient and I write in a somewhat more European-centric style, something more fluid and descriptive. I appriciate good dialogue and thought in my pieces, as well as a realistic show of character development as they progress, or have progressed depending on where in their storyline we write them.

My characters: (in no particular order) -

  • Tieria Erde
  • Regene Regetta
  • Ribbons Almark
  • [Dabbles in all Innovades or the faction Innovator]
Sengoku BASARA:
  • Date Masamune
Tales of [Series]:
  • Mikleo
Yu Yu Hakusho:
  • Kurama [Minamino Shuuichi]
Makai Ouji [Devils and Realist]:
  • William Twining
  • King Solomon
Star Ocean:
  • Albel Nox
  • Faize Sheifa Beleth
Nabari No Ou:
  • Yoite
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou:
  • Kuzunoha Raidou [Raido]
  • Loki Laufeyson [Comics/Mythology]
Characters I would like to play:

  • Marida Cruz
  • Garma Zabi
At the moment I am very Gundam-centric. Please keep this in mind

Conclusion -

What I am looking for: An honest person(s) with an open mind and good communications skills. Someone who is interested in big ideas, challenging themselves and enjoys learning from experience. Someone that is not solely focused on shipping or a single type of gender/sexed ship, but rather open to the ideas of gender conformity and nonconformity, and understands that while there may be acts of intimacy in our writing that is by no means the centralized theme of any story I write. Preferably someone a little older, though not required. My only true request is that the party in question is above the age of 18.

Notes: I will say that while I'm a genuine and open person that I am shy to open up initially. I'm often busy with work and outside functions and I have dealt with some bad experiences in the past. Please don't take any aloofness personally. Eventually I will truly open up. So long as we can keep good, honest communication not only when we discuss ideas for plotting out storylines but in general, I don't see why we can't become friends. Skype is available though I will be wary to give it out at first. Have patience.

Thank you for considering me.

- Iblis

gundam, devils and realist, tales of zestiria, makai ouji, yu yu hakusho, sengoku basara, megaten, want ad, rp, roleplay

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