[Rise Up Roleplay Forum] The 200 Turns after the 9th Pass's organic end were full of change, and it all began with a little green dragon. Memmirath was a healthy green who toddled dutifully across the sands and Impressed to the new dragonrider Z'olt. It was a fairly normal Hatching until hours later when Z'olt revealed that Memmirath was male. All across Pern, dragons, whers, and firelizards began being born either male or female regardless of color, and females of all colors proved that they could clutch, that some of them were meant to clutch while others were not. Pern might have continued as it was if not for Tinelosk of Tinelorr, the first male-born gold of any species who proved that the change of the world was not something that could be ignored.
In the ensuing 200 Turns, Pern underwent a social revolution. Weyrs and Holds began to be lead by councils of officials elected by the people they represented. All colors of dragons and whers began to bond to whoever suited them best regardless of gender or sexuality, and the liberation of weyrfolk to be themselves soon spread to the Holds and Crafthalls.
When Thread began to fall again several Turns ago, the peaceful relations became strained, and whispers of discontent started rising from people who felt that the social changes have placed Pern in great danger, that they have been robbed of their proper places in the order of the world.
There have also been vicious sandstorms in the Igen Desert, and when the winds and sands clear, there are strange people lost in the wilderness, claiming to know nothing of the world around them. How will Pern react to these strangers, and how will they learn to live in this alien world?
Rise Up is an alternative Dragonriders of Pern roleplay site that seeks to create a fun game and a safe space for roleplayers and characters of all types.
The admins are currently working hard to get the site ready to open, and we'd really appreciate interest and/or feedback! The askbox is open on our
tumblr, and the cbox is all dusted off and ready to be used. Feel free to ask questions or come on in, register, and reserve a panfandom character or start working on your profiles.