Long-term search

Jun 04, 2024 15:42

Yo! I'm Noeul (he/they/she), 25, Mountain standard timezone. An avid (once)roleplayer, artist and author of 13+ years. Looking to get back into roleplay after a year-long break!

Some things about me and my writing:

  • I am an adult adult, lol. I have so many priorities IRL and unfortunately, life comes first before RP. I'll always be around to chat and discuss the RP throughout the day, but please be aware my replies to the RP itself will not be as frequent. It depends, but expect at least a few days to a week between replies. That said, if you're the impatient type or want quick responses and feel the urge to nudge me a lot, we won't be a match, sorry!
  • I love memes, shitposts, moodboards, playlists and virtually anything and everything that has to do with our characters and stories. Don't be afraid to send me anything pertaining to the RP, or even nothing related at all, I love making friends outside of the RP and chatting about anything.
  • Please don't be weird about my characters concerning their genders - yes, I have to say this after people started prying about their anatomy and being fetish-y/blatantly gross about it. I don't list things like "assigned x at birth" on stats because in my personal experience as a nonbinary person, it makes me heavily uncomfortable and feels very unnecessary to me. I love to explore gender identity with my characters and am happy to answer questions, but if the topic becomes ignorantly sexual/obviously malicious I will block without warning.
  • My literacy, if I were to make a guess, would be somewhere in the proficient range, though I honestly do not care. My way of writing is often described as cryptic and flowery (usually heavy on the metaphors, abstract, visual wordplay), so take that into consideration. Some characters of mine have more poetic POVs and others simple and blunt. It varies. I do this for fun and do not expect the same in return.
  • I am primarily a multi-para to novella writer, but length is always dependent on context of current events in the RP and who I am writing as. I don't really mirror nor do I keep track of word count, so I cannot give an estimate on my average post length. I also tend to write multiple characters a response, and length is pretty disparate between each POV.
  • I write officially in third person past-tense, but there are instances I may write in first person based on my inspiration and what is transpiring in the RP, but it literally applies to only a couple characters.
  • I like plotting, but I also don't mind just winging it and diving straight into a world, so long as we've discussed characters and general worldbuilding first. Really heavy planning makes me anxious and overwhelmed, but it's not a dealbreaker, I just tend to forget down the line and am not great at developing ideas on the spot. Plot points develop for me over time.
  • I exclusively use my own personal OCs and don't really make new characters for RPs, so keep this in mind! It should also go without saying that I do not share them and ask that you don't try to powerplay/take over as them.
  • That said, the majority of them are almost-exclusively humans and they're subject to change depending on the setting of the universe; for AUs, I like to experiment with them as different (humanoid) species and whatnot. Their ages range from early 20s to late 50s, but a lot are middle-aged. Do note, most are genderqueer/trans/nonbinary/male-leaning. (Also as an added note, I do have a lot of cop OCs, so if this is a trigger for you, it might be best to not interact with me)
  • When it comes to romance, I have had very toxic encounters with RP partners concerning romantic shippings, and as I'm very attached to my characters and also have them all involved with each other in some way, I'm not very comfortable shipping them out so freely. If we know each other (i.e friends, and I mean, actual friends), you're welcome to discuss it with me, but I'd like for our characters to actually interact first and potentially plan it in detail.
  • ^ I'm not opposed to you shipping your own OCs in the RP, because obviously I'll do it with mine. My no-romance rule is subjective; a lot of my characters are involved/will be involved with each other, so that is bound to be written into the RP, but it is by no means the focus on the story.
  • I'm more than happy to develop platonic relationships however! Basically anything and everything besides romantic attachments I'm okay with, hah. I'm a huge sucker for the found family trope, so, take that for what you will.
  • I very much enjoy larger casts of characters! Realistically, I am unable to write 1 against 1 simply because almost ALL of my OCs are connected with each other in some way or form, so they're bound to make appearances and it's tough for me to write them as background characters. I don't mind the number of characters you write.
  • I'm good with sparsing out POVs in posts (say for example I have six (6) characters involved in the story so far) and rarely will ever write every single narrative in each reply unless some are super short or something.
  • Generally, I start off writing maybe only a couple of characters (or just 1 depending who I use) and the quantity of those will increase over time organically.
  • It's hard for me to really have "mains" in an RP, since all my characters are very near and dear to me. I'll probably favour writing some over others, and unless we discuss beforehand for plot purposes, consider all POVs as the mains instead of sides/NPCs.
  • Concerning my own boundaries, I'm pretty fine with virtually anything but if you still want to discuss anything beforehand with me then feel free to! I also ask that you please let me know of any triggers you have, and what to avoid; my story themes are often dark, violent and gritty, and the majority of my characters deal with more explicit topics, though it isn't a stipulation by any means.
  • I absolutely adore sci-fi, urban fantasy, high fantasy and dystopia. High-action, drama, dark and gritty are my go-tos, but I also enjoy more lighthearted and hopeful themes, things in-line with Studio Ghibli and whatnot. I primarily like to focus on my current main story (urban supernatural with a focus on the unknown, with an extensive history that I'm always more than happy to elaborate on), and have a handful of side projects/AUs that always need developing. If none of those suit your tastes, I am perfectly willing to make a new world and/or write in your universes!
  • For fandoms, I'm currently only interested in writing in the Star Wars universe, and have a Mandalorian and apprentice duo to go with it. A bit iffy on writing canon characters, but I do adore the Bad Batch.

That out of the way, here is what I am looking for:

  • Someone around my age, no minors, but also no one 30+. Sorry, just horrible encounters with people lying to me about their ages.
  • Long-term.
  • I do not judge writing styles - at all. All I ask is being capable of moving the story forward and keeping things interesting, otherwise, if you only want to write a paragraph or two, or keep things simple prose-wise, I am all for it. Obviously, I won't (read: try) throw out massive replies against yours, and I'll attempt to keep my language from stepping into Shakespeare territory.
  • A patient partner. I will always let you know if I can't respond outside my normal window.
  • Maturity, just in general. If it feels like you're intentionally ghosting me then my nerves set in and I may block if I ask you about it and get no response. It's happened, and I don't like my time being wasted. Communication is my top priority.
  • Writing is a passion for me and it helps me deal with a lot of my personal issues, I am not looking for critique or constant negative remarks and ridicule aimed at me. I am still dealing with past harmful encounters and I ask that if you have a penchant for being critical (even in sarcasm) of your partners, you should move on from my ad. I just want to have fun and create an impactful story.
  • I don't have any special cravings at this time; mainly just interested in found family and something adventurous? Exploring the world, charting new territory, etc. in any genre/setting.

For the place of RP, I really prefer email > Google Docs > Discord servers. I cannot handle a space where word limit is enforced as it stifles my muse, so you'll have to come up with a good reason for wanting to write on Discord.

I believe I covered everything, but if there is anything I missed or you'd like to know about, please do feel free to ask! Thank you for reading~ and honestly don't hesitate to reach out even if you don't exactly fit the criteria!

(Also, because I’ve been getting people who clearly haven’t read my ad fully and end up wasting my time- please send the password moon when you add/message me. Thank you!)

discord: joonmyeon

email: 1hyogie@gmail.com


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