Searching for Hal Jordan and Dinah Lance

Jan 27, 2024 12:38

Hi there.

I'm a roleplayer (30+) with over 20 years of experience. Literate writer, each reply typically 3 - 5 paragraphs plus. I like writing via email, InsaneJournal, or Discord if needed - but I can and often do max out the Discord limit.

I write Oliver Queen, based on the comics rather than the Arrowverse. I have a good deal of experience writing him and am hoping to write him against Hal Jordan or Dinah Lance (or both!) for a long-term plotline. Something that will begin with the Hard Traveling Heroes setting and move into the future. This will be an episodic roleplay with an overarching plot. Think Monsters of the Week with some romance and intrigue!

This sound fun to you? Then hit me up.

I can be reached at anytime.

m//, discord rp, dc, m/f, discord, dc comics, email rp, +25, dc roleplay

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