Mar 04, 2010 15:07
Money money money. Wish I had more. Shelled out 400 bucks to get a new radiator and have it installed in my car. Spent 260 to book the hotel for Acen. 120 more are going to the tickets (which I have to get about another week from now), and I want contacts really bad, but since I had car problems this week, those are on hold.
I need another job. I'm thinking about working at school in between classes, but my schedule doesn't have a long enough break. The end of April is when my vacation time comes in at DG, and I hit the 5 year mark. I'm going to start my vacation the day before Acen, and after that weekend, go job hunting. I'll have a schedule for next semester by then, so I know what I'll be able to work.
I need to move out. But plan one is pay off my credit card debt (got about 1200 dollars left; not bad, I can do that before the end of summer). After that, I can save up for the apartment. And having a lot of available credit helps in case of emergencies, such as a car needing work.
Well, that's about it. Working out is going good, but I haven't boxed in a little over a month, unfortunately. I am gonna try and do start up on that this weekend, and see if I can push myself enough cardio wise to lose 5 pounds in 2 months. Pretty sure I can, long as I keep up with boxing and seriously, SERIOUSLY watch what I eat. No more chips, fast food, or sweets. Just lots of fruits, veggies, and chicken basically. I need a six pack for Acen. I'm definitely gonna hook up with some chicks.