this week and last nights fighter practice.

Apr 11, 2008 06:44

So this week at work has pretty much sucked. The details of which are really unimportant, my job is safe, I didn't get in any real serious trouble. It is just Our new managment is taking more and more responsibility away from my position, I feel less, and less valued, and some shit happened where one of the managers said something toatally fucked up and becasue a co worker and I were concerened about how his statment could be percieved, then we were made to feel that we had done something wrong. Anyway, the reason I mention all of this is that for the last few weeks I have been in a perpetual state of grumpt, disorganized, stress. the only time that I really felt focused was when I was in my wood shop building stuff for our encampment for this tourney season. And boy, have I built some nice stuff lately. Anyway, I have gotten to the point where I am fat, out of shape, not eating right, and pretty much don't care, well I really do but I have told myself that to rationalize it to myself. I have not been motivated to fight much lately, for many of the reasons I have listed above. But last night I cowboy'd up and drove my sad ass to practice in Stromgard. I had a pretty good night, fought well against some people that I haven't fought in a long while, got stomped by some that i really respect, oddly enough got hit in the cup more times than I care to remember (note to self: figure out why that is happening, because that sucks) But all in all I had a really great time and I realized howmuch I really love this sport. I also realized howmuch I love my friends, and miss fighting with them every week. I think this is the first time if not one of the few that I have been up to a practice in that area since i stepped up as Baron. I have fallen in to a rut of using the barony as an excuse not to go up there, por that Gas prices are too high. But to all that were there lastnight, Kjartan, Octa, Duke Sean, Torfin, Arnsbjorn, Olin, Ugo, and every one else that was there and the guys I fought and the ones I didn't, Thank you for showing me that I really do miss the art of fighting, and inspiriong me to start training again.
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