Feb 11, 2005 16:23
hey guys whats up not to much here just got back online to see who was on but nobody good was on here lol so i figured i would come update and stuff like that ...well yesterday i went a got rena jo a 100 dollar purse lol yeah it was dooney and bourke but still 100 dollars lol its kinda cute though but anyways on a different note i might get to see her tomorrow morning but i dont know if shes goin to come down or not cuz she was being an ass/fucker/bitch earlier lol yeah but i still love her so its all good ....anyways some donald daniels guy has been bothering her and omg i talked to him and i honestly have to say hes the biggest douche/loser i have ever talked too lol the shit that came outta his mouth explains why he is still a virgin lol yeah i swear it was that bad ...i kinda feel sorry for the guy ..
anyways today i got up and stuff and blah blah blah played pool got into a little dispute with rena jo and now she isnt talkin to me but i dunno it bothers me but its her choice wether or not she wants to talk but yeah late ron though i think sara and jake are comin over so there is gonna be me derek nate sara and jake here hanging out ...it should be fun though cuz i love them all lol so im gonna go now and play some pool later