Vanitas x Sora x Ventus love

Oct 19, 2010 19:38

RS/RaS/Samwise or whatever penname they're using at the moment, drew this awesome six pages of fancomic regarding Sora's heart after the events in Birth by Sleep (though I think this took place sometime after or during KH2). Judging from their past works, they sure love to pair Sora up with almost every possible major male characters in KH. My OTPs ( Read more... )

fancomic, psp, fandom: kingdom hearts

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lol u rokusasu13 October 27 2010, 18:09:45 UTC

Ah, I see. This fancomic made my day the day I found it not long after I beaten the english BbS. I was actually looking for VenSora fanarts and/or ficcies when I came across it. It totally make up for the lack of arts and fics. I presume you knew about this elusive artist? They are pretty popular in the KH fandom. Mainly for the porn. Lol, Sora is the Tsuna-equivalent in KH, but my KH OTP will always be Roxas/Sora Also leaning a bit towards Ven/Sora. Roxas/Sora/Ven. LOL, I can't decide!.

KH-yaoi fans are everywhere. Even in your typical general gaming forums, I can spot one or two Riku/Sora or Akuroku shipper. Pretty sure there are also plenty other Roxas/Sora fans out there. Just look at ffnetlol. And the two Sora/Roxas lj comm are pretty much dead.

I rarely use LJ much, I only recently started to write again after one year hiatus. Heh, feel free to add me if you want and if you're not comfortable with the idea that an additional lj-user might be looking at your journal, then don't. I don't mind either way. (´∀`)/

Hnngh, your Enma icon! That's prolly the only time he laughed in the manga. Now the current arc is all about violent battles and sourfaces. Amano-sensei, plz draw smiling/laughing Enma moar, especially with Tsuna!

Lol, abused strike code too much, I'm afraid.


Re: lol u valiantnight October 28 2010, 15:46:30 UTC
...I DON'T REMEMBER. WHEE~! /shot.

Indeed. XD Unfortunately, I don't think I know of this artist; truly lives up to the rep of being elusive thus. PORN!? WHERE CAN I GET SOME!? 8D Same, same! :D Lovely to see that we share the same sentinents. Do you by chance watch/read Eyeshield 21 as well? Sena's yet another cutie just made for getting dominated. <3 I have a special kink for Vanitas/Sora. XD There's just something about it that makes it even more awesome than Ven/Sora sometimes~ But Ven+Vanitas+Roxas/Sora is still my OT4. Ohohoho~

Everywhere indeed. I meant locally and in person, actually. XD I can't seem to find them in person. (pouts) It's fine, it's fine! :D I'd love to have another lj-friend to chat with! ^^

IKR? I'm so pissed with the newest arc, I've ditched the manga completely. :\ It's just insanely abrupt and messy and she has so many loose ends not tied up with the end of the TYL arc that I'm just plain pissed lol.


abusing strike & wall of text rokusasu13 October 28 2010, 17:56:03 UTC
Unfortunately, I don't think I know of this artist
LIES. I find it very hard to believe that you don't know this artist/circle. Loljk. You must at least know of the doujinshi "Colorful Sky"? It has Riku/Sora & Axel/Sora/Roxas porn in it by this very same artist. You can download it here. Click projects and then Kingdom Hearts. There are other nsfw works by RaS, but I'm lazy to look/google them right now. I'm more into fluff sort of person despite the fact I shared porn elsewhere.

Do you by chance watch/read Eyeshield 21 as well? Sena's yet another cutie just made for getting dominated.
I heard of it, but never got around to read/watch the manga/anime. Sena looks like Tsuna, owait, it's just the uke/bicycle part. I wouldn't mind pairing Sora up with another evil version of himself, like how I craved for the non-existant cracky Xemnas/Sora or Saix/Sora. With smexiness, anyone can be paired up with anyone. But if I had to choose, it'll be Roxas/Sora/Ven OT3. Or either one of the blondes paired up with Sora. Just the thought/sight of two of them holding hands innocently are more than enough make me die happy. From what I observed in the Japan fandom, Vanitas/Ven and Sora/Roxas are pretty popular.

It's easier to find another kindred spirit on the net than in RL. I can't find another person who shared my interests outside the cyberspace. Sometimes I had to pretend I don't know what yaoi is as shonen-ai/BL often got clumped together with it. Yaoi is gay-sex, crudely speaking, and I got upset when light BL/shonen-ai also got labeled as it when it's not. I of course have friends who knew and played KH for example, but we never talked about OMGrikuXsoraishot. Sounded liked a retarded fan We usually yapped about how hard this boss/enemy is or something about the gameplay.

Ehh? Enma is the sole reason I picked the manga back up again after a long hiatus from many things. There are some fans who are pissed at Shimon or Enma for being dicks. There's even one fan who pissed at people using 00 to denote Enma. Who is the original 00, again? Must be a nobody. TBH, Amano-sensei sorta lost her touch or something with KHR. Lol, each time one character made an exclamation in one panel, there's one right next to it. I'm not really interested in the plot, but moreso at the characters, e.g: Tsuna, Enma.


Re: abusing strike & wall of text valiantnight October 30 2010, 15:11:42 UTC
...OH. THAT ONE. Yeah, I know them then. LOL. I don't quite like the way they draw the manly bits though... =w= But that's just me having issues with anatomy. LOL. I prefer fluff myself! :D I just enjoy watching UST between people. XDD It's so funny to provoke them.

Indeed. If only that popularity would breach out more... Don't worry. I crave the same damn things. One of my personal faves is Saix/Sora too. Then there's Zack/Sora... Ohohoho... Granted, they don't clash nor have they even MET. XD SEE. CRACK.

True, true. I don't bother pretending anymore though. I'm pretty open about my interests. If you asked, I'd tell it to you bluntly. 8D Just the other day, I told my mum not to read one of my doujins 'cause it has homosexuality in it. She said, "...Oh, okay. Um, it's okay to read stuff like that, just don't learn it." WTF MUM. YOU CAN'T LEARN TO BE HOMOSEXUAL. THAT MAKES NO SENSE. XDDD

Ah yes. That particular bad misconception people have is still going strong if I'm not wrong. I, of course, know the difference. (preens LOL) I prefer shounen-ai myself to crude yaoi 'cause yaoi can sometimes be ridiculous. :\ It's the sad truth, but I simply cannot see how brutal rape leads to a relationship as they sometimes portray. (shrugs) I do the whole game discussion with friends too. Especially male ones, though sometimes I'd torture their brains by going, "Don't you think they look fucking hot together?" XD

...meh. She lost her touch long ago when she was writing the middle of the TYL arc. It started out fine, then simply went into deep shit. The final battle was a complete joke. ._. (shrugs) Each to their own though. I'm into the characters as well, which is why I didn't ditch the fandom. I simply gave up on the canon. xD Oh, and the original 00 is Leo. Y'know, the very easy overlooked, plain looking guy in Millefiore that Mukuro possessed to infiltrate the enemy's base? Yeah. That guy.


Re: abusing strike & wall of text rokusasu13 October 30 2010, 18:01:35 UTC
Why? Izzit because RaS drew them hairless and not realisitic? Too smooth? Too explicit? TBH, I'm envious of artists who can draw fandom characters similiar to their original counterpart. I can't draw nor write to save my life. What kind of fluff are you talking about? I got tired of reading fanfics where the main characters liked each others because A is hot/handsome/sexgod/perfect and he lieks me, too! Wow, hot kiss and groping ensues, If the story is m-rated/nc-17, then, smut. It's very hard to find fics where the characters started out as friends and liked each other not because of their physical appearance/attraction. Lol, I think that's just me.

I saw one Jack Sparrow/Sora and DisneyCharacters/Sora porn once! Cannot unsee! The crack and its endless possibilities! But that doesn't mean writers/artists can't write serious fic/art about them, heh.

You're pretty brave. I'm more cautious when spilling details out to others unless I knew them beforehand. There's still plenty of homophobes around, my parents included >_>. Maybe she mean don't emulate it? Lolol!

Shonen-ai/BL is not generally well-known to the public. Then again, it was the fangirls themselves who used the term yaoi to label anything boy/boy and m/m so I can't blame them if they got the wrong idea. They view them simply as perverted girls who ship two males together because they're effin' hot when they perform sexual activities. It also irks the males when the girls said "you guys liked yuri!" I know of some male friends/people who are not into that sort of stuff. Knowing the general population of KH fandom, I wouldn't be suprised(lol, this is the internet age) if Colorful Sky is their first gay porn experience. "We don't regret it!:3"

KHR! mafia battles is all about dramatic exclamations and flashy poses and one-hit kills moves. Gun? What's that? Lol, enter HDW mode, >insert glove x attack name which I forgot< and voila, final boss down! The current arc is getting slightly ridiculous, WTFLAMBO&RAOUJI, DAT ARMOR and HORNS, Amano you ripped off Monster Hunter you! But I will continue reading it for the sake of Tsuna/Enma lover spat fight! That's right, I shipped them hard!

LOL, that one fan who're pissed at people using 00 to denote Enma is a 6900 fan (as in, Mukuro/Leo). I remembered that guy but didn't know he was given the code 00. But Enma is more popular (and his name fits more), so he's the new 00 now. Where the hell is this conversation heading anyway?!


Re: abusing strike & wall of text valiantnight October 31 2010, 09:06:15 UTC
Dunno. Just an odd feeling I have I guess? :S I think it's the blatantness. Not because it's explicit, but it just... doesn't... look quite how it should probably be with their art style maybe. Ah, don't be. Seriously. It's not good for an artist to emulate another; robs all sense of your originality and own set of style. I try not to copy other artists because of that (and I still end up having my works look similar to others anyway orz). Whaddya mean what kind of fluff am I talking about? When I say fluff, I mean fluff. Like all kinds of fluff. I don't care if it ends up being depressing or ridiculously sappy, as long as it's proper fluffiness that makes you feel all warm inside! XD Those stories are plenty, unfortunately. And I'm sorry to have to say this, but physical appearance does matter in the real world. :S It's sad, but a fact. It's not really you, so to speak. I personally don't like fics like that too because that tells me about lust at first sight and shit like that, not real affections for another person. (shrugs)

You might want to try Incorrigible Infatuation (Marcus Flint/Harry Potter) if you like something that has less to do with physical appearance and more to do with "I had sex with you but for some reason I can't play it off as a one night stand even though I never liked you in the first place". LOL. That's my description at least. It's a good fic though. You just go 'awww' at the end. Ahaha.

I believe i saw that Jack Sparrow/Sora too. And because I was looking for it. LOL. Of course. Just because the pairing is crack doesn't make it impossible to write a good serious story about. That's ridiculous. It's like saying chocolate can't go on a pear because you only have chocolate bananas and chocolate apples, but never chocolate pears. (rambles)

It's not really bravery, tbh. I just don't see the need to hide my interests from people whom I consider to be my friends. if they have a problem with it, they can either just leave or suck it up and keep their opinions to themselves or be converted by me and join in my fangirling. And yes, that's probably what she meant but I'm saying the way my mum said it is just weird.

Indeed. Indeed.

(shrugs) I shipped Tsuna/Enma really really hard when Enma first appeared. And then he laughed and I swore an angel choir sang. XD And then things went downhill because I-Pin left the window open and the note flew and Enma is too stupid of a bastard to go ask Tsuna if he even SAW the freaking note! (huffs) So yeah. I know life can be full of cliches but that's just ridiculous shit. I stopped reading after Ryohei's battle. IMO, things went FUBAR since the beginning of TYL arc. ._.

I don't know. Lol.


Re: abusing strike & wall of text rokusasu13 October 31 2010, 11:02:59 UTC
I see. Well, that doujin was rated r-18. It's basically straight hentai but with male characters doing each other. Fan-girls/boys reverred RaS for this sole reason. They are in it for the porn, and RaS delivers. Haha, I know the difference between originality and skill, and for the latter, I have none at all, lol! When you've read countless fics, I can't help but to either laugh or cry when an author genuinely wanted to present a serious story, it unintentionaly turned into a badfic. I know it was the initiative and effort that counts, but still... Maybe it was just me, since I read one too many slash, I got tired of it and wanted to read something more platonic/friendshippy where they don't focus much on uncontrollable hormones and/or attraction/crushes on one another. I'm also a weaboo for taking a hiatus from anything slash/m/m for a period of time because I'm sick of it. Only returned because I saw a certain redhead and got curious as to who he was. Turns out he was Enma from KHR! and then I reluctantly picked up the manga to find out more. The rest is history.

I will keep the title of that fic in mind, but I can't guarantee I'll read it because I procrastinate a lot and has short-attention span these days. I bookmarked and favorited stories but never got around to read them. Or I read one or two chapter before something came up and forgot about it altogether the next moment. The same thing happens to tv-shows/movies/anime/manga/games, LOL. That's why I don't track/follow too many fandoms these days. Or too "obsessed"/"get into it" with every happenings in the fandom.

And then we have rule 34! Haha, right. Nice analogy, too.

But you're not afraid that they might turn on you, right? I had an ugly experience irl once when I let slipped that I am into slash/BL. I regretted it deeply and became more careful with what I say to others whom don't share the same interests. People are generally more open in the cycberspace, though + anonymity. Dear, please don't do that to your boyfriend with a strap-on. LOLOLOL!

Same here with me! For a moment there, I thought Amano was writing/drawing a BL doujin/manga, hahaha. His laughing face really, really suprised me (but I was happy, too). When the letter fell into the dustbin because I-Pin just happened to be there to open the window at that exact moment makes me go "Oh hell NO!" Of course, Enma is in the wrong here too for being too dumb or just shy to ask his crush if he read his love letter Tsuna about the letter. And that Kaoru had to make the stupid move of giving Yamamoto an unneeded black market surgery, which in turn made Tsuna angry at the untrained doctor-cum-baseball player. Seriously. I know some of the fans hated the Shimons, but~ haters gonna hate~ Amano probably chose the easy and cliched way to move the story forward; they fought because of a simple misunderstanding, and also of a past "grudge". I'll keep on reading just for the sake of Tsuna/Enma. Will they still fight after watching the Shimon/Vongola Primos' memories? Judging from the previous arcs, they will probably make up and all that sappy friendship crap in the end. Happy END!

Oh right, Happy Halloween.


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