Nothing to see or read here, really

Oct 07, 2010 16:02

Can't believe one year(?) has passed since I last posted an entry. I was around lurking for sure, but didn't want to make myself obliged to write something on my own personal journal. When I do, I have to remind myself that I was writing to and for myself, or keep track of what happened since I'm a pretty forgetful idiot.

Looking back at the previous entries, I felt embarrassed to have wrote what I wrote. Idk, OTL. SO I went and f-lock some of them or the ones I bothered to lock. Pretending that no one will read the public entries doesn't keep me at ease.

Many things has happened over the period of one year, both in RL and cyberspace. Ahaha, I'm not gonna recap everything since it's pretty much generic and boring stuff other individuals had experienced.

Nothing major worth writing, 'cept my lappy crashed on me and I lost a lot of valuable data, went and distance myself from BL/buttsecks for a few months, watched or read a new series, played various new games but did not managed to finish some of them because I can't bring myself to or maybe I'm just lazy, discovered a new OTP from KHR a few months back, lurked and leeched in various places, ahh, what else?

I'm also happy that a great number of shonen-ai/yaoi/shota scanners and scanlation groups has popped up and spread their love far and wide. If I looked few years back, there's only a dedicated few, mostly for mangas. Lol, even then, I hardly read any yaoi manga.

Despite the materials I'd shared on the aarinfantasy forum, I'm not really a hardcore yaoi fan. I still feel uncomfortable and out of place when they start discussing about sexual stuff or how hot it would be when character A and B have buttsex. That's why I rather hang around places/forums where it has a "general" feel and free of yaoi fangirling. I'm not accusing them of anything, after all, they're free to discuss what they want at a venue designed for that purpose. It is just my personal experience I wanted to, what, write down here on my journal since I have some free time before I had to do something, When I really liked and shipped a certain slash pairing, buttsex is the last thing on my mind. Or like why some fans shipped a male and female character together (canon or otherwise). Some yaoi fangirls don't really care if BL/shonen-ai has been led to meant only hot, sweaty buttsex (when they are clearly not). Some are even proud that they did.

Eh, I didn't expect to write all that above. Got carried away when I told myself to write something to waste time. The weaboo-ish ranting from the previous paragraph is just my personal opinion, hopefully it'll not offend anyone. Mingling with others outside the yaoi fandom gave me insights why they find yaoi fangirls >insert one random derogatory term here<. I'm pretty much content with worksafe fanfics and fanarts that exist for pairings I ship while I went about with my life.

Hardly use LJ except to track certain comms and memes. Also, I'm getting really lame at maintaining a certain index... Oh well...

This journal will be using default journal style or whatever, as I'm lazy and slow with customizing with LJ and it's too complicated even with guides.

TL;DR: I don't know what I just wrote. I ship TsunaEnma. Future posts will prolly be about irrelevant crap like past entries.


rant, random, fandom: khr!

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