A quick drabble thing.
Title: All's Clear
POVs: Mine
Rating: G
Theme: B.R.A. Universe sweep
Acknowledgements: FF.Net's unadaulaterated Cain section. It be puuuuuuure~
Notes: A universe sweep is what happens when a B.R.A. agent enters a reality to check for anything that might disrupt canon. Kinda like agents going on patrol.
Things were quiet, as they always were. We walked down the streets, lost in the crowd. He stood next to me, looking rather out of place in this universe but well... so did I after all. We neither stood out nor blended in. We just... were. It was quite hard to explain. I nudged his shoulder as we passed a manor we were staking out for quite some time.
"Still clean?" I asked my partner.
We waited a moment more, waiting on the other side of the street. I sighed, remembering when my first parter and I were assigned to check this reality. Quite the mishap. My partner was mistaken for one of the reality dwellers, as he had when we had (rather stupidly) decided to enter the Wizard School's reality in search of Sues. I shook my head, dismissing the memories. Those were past cases. I had a new partner; a junior trainee but well... he was my partner nontheless. I watched him, the hyperactive youth that he was. Quite a change from my first partner. I continued to observe this one, raising an eyebrow when I noticed something.
"Are you checking out the client...?"
"N... no way!"
"LIAR! You were so checking him out!"
"Was not!"
I laughed, mussing his hair up as I walked off, placng my hands in my coat pocket. Yes, he was nothing like my first partner. He had a charm all his own though, I had to give him that. I walked on alone, pausing to glance at him. "Lou? Let's go. All's well here. We're not needed."
I only hoped we never would be.