This Drama CD (or is it a Talk CD??) was released by Honeybee on 23 March 2009, voiced by the very talented seiyuu Ishida Akira. Just saying. I didn't want to start this by ranting without giving an intro. LOL
Anyway, moving on... Methinks I'm going to go fangirling here~.
In my opinion, Tsubaki no Shou is, by far, the best of the Manyou Renka series. Not just because of the plot (which was so0o damn good and sweet), but mostly because of the seiyuu. Ishida Akira did an excellent job here, hearing the first track (which was JUST AN INTRODUCTION) made me eargasm and my heart go, as Misaki-kun would say, "GYUN~!" when he said "Me wo tojireba, mou oretachi dake no sekai da" in his OH EM GEE so SMEXY voice!!! /dies
The plot was based on a school setting where a guy saw a girl who looked a lot like his first love whom he met in his childhood. He and the girl made a "yukidaruma", which is to say a snowman, together but then the girl suddenly left, leaving behind a camellia-shaped brooch. The CD basically covers the events leading to the remembrance of the girl about the guy (yeah, she has momentary memory gap here), confession (sh!t, the confession was so sweet!), and then a kind of epilogue where the guy proposes to the girl and they get married. Being students, plus the fact that the guy was the student council president, made a lot of chances for uber-sweet situations (they get to have a bunka sai, they also get to be alone in the sick bay, etc.) with lines that would melt any girl's heart after hearing Ishida's voice whisper them in one's ear. Seriously, after I finished the CD my heart was just a blob of hot red. Te-he~!
What killed me off was the last line of the 20th track, where main guy said "Kono sekai ni hitori shika inai omae wo aishitteru.." GAHN!! So friggin' sweet!!! I wish someone would say that to me as well... But tough luck, I guess. Ehehehe~.
...Argh, I have to go home now--
Ah well, just as reference, I might as well add the title of the tracks here as well as a picture of the main character talking in the CD.
01 貴方へ
02 初恋の女の子
03 懐かしい気持ち
04 自分の運命
05 運命の赤い糸
06 雨の中
07 お前の良い所
08 ゆびきり
09 時間を止めて
10 忘れた日はない
11 悲しい想像
12 好きって気持ちで全部満たして
13 偶然の重なり
14 ずっと会いたかった
15 欲しかった言葉
16 白椿
17 赤い糸の代わり
18 予行練習
19 大切な物
20 醒めない夢
21 「稲搗けばかかる我が手を今夜も殿の若子が取りて嘆かむ」
22 「海原の根柔ら小菅あまたあれば君は忘わすわれ忘るれや」
23 「道の辺の草深百合の花咲みに咲みしがからに妻といふべしや」
24 「にほ鳥の息長川は絶えぬとも 君に語らむ言尽きめやも」
25 「わが情焼くもわれなり愛しきやし君に恋ふるもわが心から」
26 「ぬばたまの我が黒髪を引きぬらし乱れてさらに恋ひわたるかも」
27 「家にありし櫃に鍵刺し蔵めてし恋の奴の掴みかかりて」
28 「天地の極のうらに吾がごとく君に恋ふらむ人は実あらじ」
29 「秋山の木の下隠り行く水の我こそ増さめ思ほすよりは」
30 「わが背子にまたは逢はじかと思へばか今朝の別れのすべなかりつる」
31 「君に恋ひたもすべなみ奈良山の小松がもとに立ち嘆くかも」
32 「恋は今はあらじとわれは思へるを何処いづくの恋そつかみかかれる」
33 「近江の海辺は人知る沖つ波君をおきては知る人もなし」
34 「君が行く道の長手を繰り畳ね焼き滅ぼさむ天の火もがに」
35 「青山を 横切る雲をいちしろくわれと笑まして人に知らゆな」
36 「妹も我れも一つなれかも三河なる二見の道ゆ別れかねつる」
37 「刈り薦の一重を敷きてさ寝れども君とし寝れば寒けくもなし」
38 「大地も採り尽すとも世の中の尽くし得ぬものは恋にしありけり」
39 「暮さらば屋戸開け設けて我れ待たむ夢に相見に来むとふ人を」
40 おまけ
Just so everyone is informed, the first 20 tracks are the story, and track 21 - 40 are the lines in the Manyou Renka that they used in each track. Gotta go home and do some homework!! じゃ!! *exit stage left*