Apr 20, 2004 21:33
Ok - so its been a while. this will be a novel.
FrIdAy -_- ScHool sucks. i've decided. and these fuckin bomb threats r as gay as hell. so, after school .. i went outside. the weather is awesomeE!!
then layta that nite - kim came home. =D we chilled and talked for a bit - then the whole fam came over and had pizza for kims birthday =D fuuuuun
SaTuRdAy -_- what a fun day. dad picked me up at like 8:45. We drove to the bank, then down to NeW yOrK CiTy!!!!! god i love the city. so at 10:30, we walked over to the JaCoB K. JaViTs convention center. We were the second people on line for the NeW yOrK aUtO sHoW It was OFF THA HOOK !! So, we stayed there for like .. hmm. 2 hours plus. Then around 2..me and dad walked to pLaNeT HoLLyWooD and met Kim, Jess, and mom for lunnnnnnch. fun place. so then after we ate..dad left, and me mom jess and kim went to Madame Tusuads (butchered that last name) ((the wax museum)) I was here before - but i think it was more fun the time before considdering mom MOM STOPPED TO READ THE BIOGRAPHY OF ALL HER FAVORITE ACTORS AND ACTRESSES AND SINGERS. IF YOU LIKE THEM SO MUCH, YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THEM. shitting schumks. But we had a good time.
SuNdAy -_- ToDaY was gorgeous. I was on my bike for like two hours. then mom called me. we had to go to drive jess somewhere..wut else is new. lol Then me and mom went to the DeRaSmO's house. fun shit. we had a lil B . B . Q then went to pick up jess - drove her to roccos. then did sum shopping..and went BACK to aunt marlenes. fun shit wHeN iZ iT nOt Then went home and did homework. fucking fat packedermic teachers.
MoNdAy -_- School Sucks. i've decided. haha today was pretty normal. nothin excitin.
TuEsDaY -_- was i home today? the anwser...no, not really. Got off the bus - had a drink .. went on the computer for 12 minutes. and left. to go where? to jess' interview in the mall where the INTERVIEWER PERSON WAS NOT THEERE!!!!! i know she got the job. who wouldnt want her working in their store?! Then i went shopping. got some new summer/spring/hot weather shit. Then had dinner at fRiDaYz eh..not too impressive once again. Then went over to new city library. no, i didnt go there to read, unlike some people i saw from school...no names mentioned. Then saw the TrOuBiEs sing. they are amazing once again. and even tho jess just got her tonsils out..she was able to sing, and once again amaze everyone.
sorry for torture. =P
im out.