To sniff across vast interstellar distances, sometimes you need a really big nose!
Do we need one of these?
What the...
wow. this is the best thing that the internet has put in front of my eyes all day. that "scientist" in the marketing doc looks... err.. very professional. lol.
Great plan. We should all use an exo-nasal enhancement to make us aware of all toxins that surround us daily.. Can they build one into a a bike mask?
It's like a Total Perspective Vortex in which YOU are the sensor!
It's just a run-of-the-mill 31st century smell-o-scope. What's the big deal folks?
I need one. And I need someone to set up a bread machine a half-mile away for target practice.
this could revolutionize the world for blind people! it will make seeing eye dogs a thing of the past!
we will get custom ones made for our bikes in the style of HR Giger
I think the jules verne look goes better with bicycles… something about 1800s france just screams "velocisniffopede!" Your mileage may vary.
Let's save the Giger look for the sniff-o-nav consoles on our starships.