Oct 30, 2006 23:42
Soooooo apparently i get semi-drunk and make up fake ailments.
went home this weekend
pretty cool spent time with the famz a little
and much time with my bff because i lalalalalove my lalalalalara<3
yeah so bry decided to come home sunday and hang out with me and we ate dinner with his family.
i left later than i expected and i was up until 6:30am doing my psych abstracts...ughhhhh
anyway im done with all of my class for today and i really need to study for my math mid term
andd some psych stuff and some italian and do some english readings and responses
but im procrastinating because im awesome
yeah so i asked bry to draw me something crazy and abstract. so hes doing it on thursday and its going to be awesome anddddd when i get a job and dinero im getting it tattooed on me.
i have to run home for a hot minute tomorrow to get my wig and eyelashes