ミ★ Sign-Ups
Have you read the
Rules? If so, sign up here! :3
Just copy the form below into a comment, fill it out and you're ready to roll~
Email Address: Your assignment will be sent here, so please make sure you check it regularly
Age Statement: (must be older than 17)
Receiving Fic or Art:
Creating Fic or Art:
Pairings or Characters you would like to see: (You may request up to four pairings or individual characters. Threesomes allowed :3)
Give us some Prompts to work with: (What do you want your pairings to do? Arcade date, Star Wars AU, beach bumming… any scenarios you would like to see go here. Please provide at least two different prompts)
What else would you like to see: (Here goes all the little detail you would like to see in your fic. Davide punning around, wanting to see some Shudou cameo? It all goes here.)
Squicks: (Put here what you absolutely do not want to see. This includes the Rating, for example if you do not want to read anything higher than PG-13, do say so here)
Pairings or Characters you absolutely refuse to write/draw:
Genres you refuse to write/draw:
Highest Rating you will do:
Any other requests:
Willing to pinch-hit?
~ Please be as specific in your prompts as you can
~ Should you not be able to finish your submission for some reason, please contact us on time so we can catch a pinch-hitter
~ Please do try to find a beta before you send in your submission
~ After you sign up please friend and/or watch the community, so you won't miss any updates!
Sign-Ups are from June 3rd - July 1st!
Sign-Ups are now closed
Assignments will be sent out latest on July 7th