May 07, 2011 17:23

Oh man. Seriously. Seriously.

So, the whole night started at 3:30 in the afternoon. Me and my Mom walk back the venue, and down the little side street, I see red. Oh my god. We go running across the street, and Gerard is just standing outside smoking. Ah! We stood at the barrier with a few other girls before my Mom went to walk around, and then Mikey walks out and the bros. go in the venue. Then nothing, but the girl I was next to and started talking to had met THE USED before. She let me take a picture of Dan's signature on her bag. *isamassivefailydork*

Then there was inside, in this legit THEATER, with seats and no floor and everything. The Architects and THURSDAY (FUCKING THURSDAY! I SAW THURSDAY!) were opening, then it was My Chem and screaming and singing and jumping and AHHH!!

I should probably cut to my bulleted high points, yes?
  • Gerard is impossible to look away from! He's so sassy and campy and just full of energy! I kept thinking to myself that there are five other guys up on that stage and you can watch them too, but he was hypnotizing. Ugh.
  • In the space of roughly one song I saw Frank doing three things: 1. Up on the drum stand messing with Pedicone. 2. Spitting about TEN FEET IN THE AIR. <3333 anddddd 3. This moment, "Where's Frank? Um, he's not there....oh, he's on the ground. Got it."
  • This moment: Gerard opens his mouth to say something then looks at the crowd, changes his mind visibly and says, "Fuck it! Let's keep this party going. This song's called Planetary."
  • FAMOUS LAST WORDS. Like, this song's chorus are the only words I have EVER considered getting a tattoo of, it's the song that I use to get up hills, it's the one that I listen to when I feel like shit, and I got to hear it. Live. It was amazing.
  • Some of the best songs: Na Na Na, Give 'Em Hell Kid, Planetary, Vampire Money, Hamg 'Em High, DESTROYA, Mama, I'm Not Okay, Teenagers, Vampires, Bulletproof Heart.
  • When Gerard just laid down on the stage. Just laid there. He's ridiculous. It was awesome.
The whole night was just fucking amazing. Seriously. I just. Ah. Wow. There wasn't a lot of crowd interaction, and the whole thing was just go go go, but that was cool in it's own right. But yes. Like I said.  I can die happy now.

i love band boys!, mildly freaking out

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