Dec 31, 2010 13:31
So, I walked out of my room this morning and Em was watching fuse. They were doing the typical, 'it's everywhere today', year in review bit. And then the bleeding writer's block question was about New Year's resolutions. So! Let's get cliched!
Things I'm proud of this year!
Um...heh. Let's see. Turning 16, and therefore getting my permit, followed by my license. Getting tapped for National Honor Society. Picking up the trumpet. Um...I'm not sure...Making Select again. Figuring my shit out with my Mom and her issues. Getting over liking Adam. Running my best season of cross country yet. Hitting a PR I'm super proud of. (24:32!) Going to States. Doing (and finishing) NaNoWriMo.
Things I'm not so proud of!...
Freaking out over shit with my Mom and running out of the house at ten o'clock at night. Developing a crush on one of my best friends. Every time I was a whiny and annoying teenager. Ignoring certain responsibilities in face of reading, or doing different more fun ones. Not making Area All-State for the first time. (It's so weird not going...)
Best parts of 2010?
The Sen10rs last school year. (Seriously, I giggled every time.) Getting my license. Still not being able to spell license. Um, DANGER DAYS :D Getting more in to bandom, and learning about all these people whose music I idolize, and learning about bands that I now love. (Case in point, I didn't now about The Used, August. Didn't listen to them until September. Now I's listening to Lies For The Liars as I write.) Getting markers and paints and discovering the awesomeness that is drawing on myself/other people. BRITISH DRIVING INSTRUCTOR. Hell yes, you have no idea how entertaining that was. The team winning Sectionals for the sixth year in a row with a largely Freshman team after losing IAC's. Easily one of the most emotional moments of my year. That and Zack running completely sick at States, and pulling in that last 800 meters to not come in last. Seeing Greg again. Greg getting a Facebook under a shitty alias XD
Worst parts?
Um, summer. Just all the shit with AA and Alateen and therapy and dealing with this fuck huge problem that just landed in my lap with no warning. Not getting to run at Sectionals, being the only eligible runner for the girls who didn't. But, I got to cheer for the team right where they needed it, so...*shrug* Getting stiffed in the musical. Getting all 'I don't know' about my future again.
Write more. Be it actual story plots to random turns of phrase that occur to me. I just need to get more of these things out. Learn to play the guitar. Make All-County Chorus and Band. Do a good enough solo to make All-State next year. Get my shit together and figure out the future. Expand my musical horizons (Any band recs, anyone?). Start actually buying more CDs. Like, real, hard copy, record store CDs. Snooping through FYE for my Dad's present made me realize how much I miss real CDs. Also, driving has upped my want for them.
Hmm, that's all I can think of at the moment. Well, whatever. Happy New Year!
why do i run? why don't you?,
procrastinators r us,
too much schooling