Because it provides me with pictures like this:
WHY AM I SO CHARMED BY THIS BAND, SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS. Quinn has a ukelele. A UKELELE. I just...You know what, your argument is invalid. Quinn Allman has a freaking ukelele.
Also, on the charmed by this band plate, they have been posting youtube videos like whoa lately! Some of them are normal, like you know, in the studio things. Well, as normal as these guys get. Others are...erm, more par for the course as far as they go. Quinn opening all the doors in the freezer section of a supermarket, yeah! Forty seconds of Jepha riding a bike in Mexico? Totally! And my personal favorite...
Click to view
Initial reaction: DAAAANNNNNN! *hearthands*
Secondary reaction: OH GOD WHO GAVE THEM A TRUMPET D:
OKAY! I think I have spazzed sufficiently. I hope I entertained you. OH YEAH! For
thatrachelkid, as promised:
My Little Brony: Steampunk Is Magic.
That is all.