Oct 17, 2010 19:51
Things are pretty good right now. Recovering from insane work overload the past 4 or so months. This was my first full weekend spent at home with my family. Otherwise, I've been working 7 days a week since June. INsane. Anyway. Yesterday we cleaned the house (yes, I did... I found that dance music helps). And I cooked chicken soup for Vivi's snotty nose, but she didn't eat any. :( Today we baked apple pie, using the apples Zsuzsi picked with her kindergarten group. Now David is watching football and the girls are taking a bath, and things are pretty homey.
I spent two days last week staying home and reading and napping. You know I'm overloaded when I don't even want to turn on my laptop.
At any rate, I have decided that I'm going to go on a hermit holiday, down to my mother's vacation home at Lake Balaton, for week. I've actually been planning this for more than a month, and I can hardly wait. And I will turn off the phone and not look at email, but I will spend my time finally working on my poor neglected websites and other web-based projects.
I'm really looking forward to having more time to work on my budapest-doula.com site, which is still languishing with only a couple of pages of content... and my budapest-moms.com site which needs some design tweaks... and I need to migrate tejmentes.blogspot.com to its own domain name and to my webhost. Would you believe tejmentes is my most lucrative blog? (It's a blog about dairy allergies in Hungarian.) I've now made all of EUR 45 with google ads on various sites. I think I need to work on that whole "make money on the internet" concept.
And I need to migrate David's ballineurope.com to my webhost as well, and redesign the site so it loads faster, is more SEO friendly and has better ad placements. David's site gets like 60 000 visitors a month. We surely could do better with that if we could just get it to monetize better.
So that is what I *fantasize* about, can you believe it? That I have free time to work on these sites... and I was going to publish the first few months of this blog in ebook format... and I need to finish my work at Childbirth International so I can have a piece of paper that says I'm a childbirth educator. And I applied for a position at Science and Sensibility blog, which is actually a paid position. Being paid would be nice.