
Jun 05, 2009 23:25


Zsuzsi's kindergarten closes for 5 weeks in July.

Vivi's daycare closes for 3 weeks in August.

Back to back.

So basically I have 8 weeks during which one or the other of my children will not be in their various institutions.

I have a problem.

Should I attempt to shove my kids off on other people and backup institutions? Cos my schedule is pretty damn tight these days, and I can't even imagine giving anything up that I've worked so hard and so long to build up... not to mention the fact that we need the money, so the activities I'd most readily give up are the things that we live off of, so those are the things I probably SHOULDN'T cut back any further.

On the other hand, I'm definitely getting the message from people whose opinion I value that I should be taking time off to just be with my kids. And I can certainly see the value in that, and it would be kind of tempting to take a break from this insane pace I've set myself and reorient a little bit. And the idea of foisting my kids off on other people in suboptimal ways makes me feel terribly guilty and like a bad mother. And the idea of having to add "what to do with my kids on a daily basis" to the list of things I have to plan and coordinate gives me a headache.


Also, just got a text msg from one of my doula clients that she's having intermittent contractions, so what I should REALLY be doing with my time right now is SLEEP.
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