Jul 05, 2009 20:47
So if you remember, I had an ENT appointment at the Cleveland Clinic on the 30th about my headaches. I've ALWAYS felt like it's sinus-related, because if I cry or it's going to rain outside, the headache worsens. I had a CT scan done on the 22nd and brought it.
Doctor walks in and breaks my heart - there isn't a damn thing wrong with my sinuses, so it's not the problem. I was upset because this meant there was no fix. This guy was going to be my last hope - now my only options are hospitalization and surgery.
He recommended a program at the CC called IMATCH, an inpatient 3-week treatment plan that seems like glorified drug rehab to me. For 4 days they flush any medicine out of your system and then the rest of the time, you do counseling, exercise, more medicine...
Yeah sounds like total bs, doesn't it? That's what I said. And the website for the program says it doesn't cure headaches - it teaches you to live through the pain. UH, SCREW THAT CRAP. It's really easy for some queer ass psychologist who's never had chronic, horrible pain in her life to tell me to push through it. Effe that, I'm not doing it. Plus, my mom CAN'T WALK. I absolutely cannot leave this house for that long, I'm the only one taking care of her and the pets.
My other option is a guy who does surgery on headaches - he removes part of the nerve or muscle or something in your forehead, which sounds horrifying, but apparently it's helped people. My dad is completely against it, though. I guess the thought of some guy ripping my head open is distressing.
I dunno, I'm just ready to give up. I really can't do this anymore. I want you to sit back and imagine the worst migraine you've ever had - now imagine that it never goes away, it's there every day, you can't go to movies, or concerts because they make it worse. You can't work, go to school, or even get out of bed most of the time. You're always angry, tired, and depressed. Nothing is as fun as it should be.
That's my life. That's what it's been like for years. I'm just so tired of this. We can put a man on the freakin' MOON but we can't stop a headache. Ugh.