Some Ground Rules + Resource List

Aug 05, 2010 14:00

I don't think I really have to set some ground rules since my work isn't really worth stealing. But I guess it's better to be safe then sorry, ne? I promise you, it won't be a long list.

Ground Rules
◘ A common rule in all graphic journals: NO HOTLINKING ALLOWED. It's a very bad thing to do and eats up my monthly bandwith.
◘ If you're taking something, please leave a comment. Comments are what keep me going.
◘ If you have a question about something, please send them to chaos_no_megami. I frequent that journal more then this one, since it is my main journal.
◘ Do not steal any graphics used for the journal layout. Thought I doubt anyone will.
◘ If you're looking for something particular, check the Tag List. It was created to help you find things easier around this journal.
◘ Icons without text are now considered base friendly. This means that if you wish to use a blank icon of mine as a base to make your own icon, you may. Just remember to credit back to rokasho or chaos_no_megami. EFFECTIVE: 4/27/09

For Richer or Poorer | Anime Stocks | Anime Galleries | Aethereality | Anime Project Alliance Gallery | We Love Anime | animebases | Crescendo Image Gallery | A N I M E D O T N E T | | N. Design Studio | doramacaps | basedon - mimihyuuga | simplecaps - jaynajoy

Icon Textures
reverse-beauty/ashke_icons | inxsomniax | apparating | cdg | xshoot2thrill in icon_textures | icon_maiden | xsleepingswanx | creamuts | shoegal_icons | wonderland__ | xjigglypuffx | colorset | Fractured Sanity | ashenvale_moon | nilsi_pilsifan | toybirds | houseforlife | reyesphile | the_seventhsign | candycrack in xgraphicjunkie| divine_desire | xplastique | onlyabreath

Angelic Trust | Aethereality | Hybrid Genesis | 17 Wings | Glitter Tramp/aino_hanako | V Brush | Beautiful Sin | Digital Goodies | Fractured Sanity | Vanilla Dreams | The Magic Box

rules, resources

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