Jan 05, 2009 17:50
Today was a hell of a day.
My sister and I had to do the post-remodel clean-up. Post-remodel. As in after they paint, sand, furnish, and leave the building.
As soon as we got there, I started on this dirty, big ass window. There was sand and wet dirt caked in ever corner that I had to scrub out. So, maybe it took me a little to finish it, but it doesn't help that all the fucking dirt was all on the outside.
So, we got this cleaning job because a man my sister cleans for owns a building/remodeling business. My sister sometimes cleans his remodels/new-builds. Too bad this time it was for this bitch named Kerry Matlock, owner of Matlock Financial Services.
She walked into the house with this giant fur coat and giant heels. You're walking into a construction zone with high heels. What's wrong with you? I wanted to kick her legs out from under her.
First she stood - LEERING - behind me while I was cleaning the window; obviously staring a me. The she made remarks about how "Oh, we'll move the desk in here as soon as SHES done." With a little bitchy attitude.
Then, as I was finishing the window, my sister's client (with the business) Tom walked up to me and said, "Those windows look like they haven't been cleaned in a while?
And I said, "Most of the stuff is on the outside of the window and I can't get to it right now." He looked at me like I was the most stupidest things he's ever seen; then he walked away.
Fuck that. You clean that bitch yourself.
Where's my vodka-soda?