Galileoscope update

Jun 11, 2009 15:38

(a page from Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius (1610), showing the geometry of his telescope)

Shipping started on May 21st and we continue to ship container loads every few days. They are on the water for about 20 days or so. Norway and Denmark units will land June 18th and 19th to the port. USA Galileoscopes will land June 21th and June 23rd (then to local carriers to your door). And other shipments will be landing around the world within the same time frame. We will keep shipping until around the end of June at that time all orders will be completed. We are still in the need of a large donation to keep production going and to allow us to give scopes to less fortunate areas so any help would be appreciated. Great job thus far by Rick Fienberg, Stephen Pompea and Doug Arion. Hope we can reach our goal of helping children that would other wise never have the chance to look to the sky.

Tom Smith,
Merit Models Inc.
Racine Wi.


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