I just wrote a review..yeah yeah I know lots of people do that, but I was in a writing mood..
In this movie, Martin Freeman is just a delight to watch- yes yes I love Sherlock too and might be a bit biased to some- with his many many
accurate facial expressions, never exaggerated, makes an excellent, believable, heart-warming Bilbo. The entire scene of Riddles in the Dark is, IMHO, the best on this movie, and that final look on Bilbo when he's deciding on killing Gollum or not, it's your proof, if you needed any, that Mr Freeman may be a douchebag to many many people, but he's an excellent actor. The casting overall it's great -I love both Balin, Fili & Kili - the song of the dwarves is great, Thorin has a great voice and presence and watching Mr Lee appear suddenly it's delighful. &I don't know if Ian McKellen has some sort of pact with the Devil but it's been 10 years since LOTR and he looks exactly the same!!! And Andy Serkis deserves a mention too because his Smeagol is spot on.
There are some scenes which I found funny and great; the hankerchief thing, the whole trolls affair. And the most exciting one? Smaug opening one eye. The glimpse of the dragon is excellent and it looks really detailed -red and blue!- I'm going to be cursing every month next year until december comes!
Now, onto the bad things.
THE MUSIC- Don't get me wrong. There's nothing bad about it. As the LOTR music is fantastic. But this is The Hobbit and it's not the same story. I wanted new music, inspired perhaps but not the same. And I didn't need the little melody of the ring whenever the ring made an apparition, and the same thing goes for the Shire and Rivendell scene. And for that scene of Thorin charging to attack Azog - which as good as I found it, the music was just wrong and it's still filling,which leads me to;
FILLING - and editing. I don't know about the rest, but I'd have love to see what Guillermo Del Toro would have done with this movie. Martin Freeman was going to be cast anyway since the start, so that excellent choice of lead actor would have been secure. Anyway I found the movie had some scenes that neither helped to tell the story nor to describe the characters better, and only made it longer-That's not a negative thing FOR ME, because I'm a fan of the universe and the more I see the better, but not everyone watching it are long-time or patient fans. It has a fast pace but not enough witty dialogue.
3RD MOVIE UNNECESSARY - Because let's face it, this is a bussiness and as a bussiness a third movie means more money. I get it. But from a story telling point of view? Two movies was enough to cover the book.
3D? - Take it from experience; it's not worth it. It darkens the movie, as often happens with 3D, it's quite flat and expensive. The classic aproach to watching movies -24 fps and 2D it's alright.