Everyone's pretty much said what I would say except two things.
1. Changeling Coord wins at pranks. Srsly.
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See that?
I'm a jerk. I stole the ballot so they'd all have to dress in drag. Too close of a vote to let them know who really won.
(BTW, JT, it would have been you, I'm fairly certain) Happy Pranksgiving on that end.
On the other hand, I didn't have as much fun with the OWbN game as I have in preivous years. It's probably due to a lack of ability to RP whilst smoking. (For those not in the know, we were told we couldn't RP outside...anywhere). I seriously think that if we wanted to have fun, we could probably just rent a bunch of rooms in a hotel and do it on the same weekend. Everyone who wanted to could still check out the con, and we wouldn't have to worry about "admins". Maybe I'm just crazy.