25 questions thing.

Mar 06, 2009 10:56

♥ What are your middle names?
Amanda and Dale

♥ How long have you been together?
Around 7 1/2 years. We started dating mid September 2001.

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met randomly. Both of us were out of our home area, and hit it off.  We pretty much thought it was too far away to try something.  About a year and a half later, I visited Chicago, ran into her, and we were hitting it off again.  I decided this lady was worth the distance.

♥ Who asked who out?
It was a mutual decision that we would spend time together.  She was going to be where I was, and we just decided that time would be spent together.

And then, she had her way with me.  She's such a monster! 
♥ How old are each of you?
We're young at heart.

♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
Mine.  It'd be nice if we saw them all more often, though.

♥ Do you have any children together?

♥ What about pets?
She has a cat.  I'm allergic to cats.

♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
We do too much.

♥ Did you go to the same school?

♥ Are you from the same home town?
She's from Chicago.  I grew up mostly in Southern Maryland.

♥ Who is the smartest?
IQ?  I'm not sure.

As far as knowledge, we each have some specialties.

♥ Who is the most sensitive?
I'm only really upset when others are upset.

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
The restaurant we have eaten out the most is TGI Fridays.  I have the records to prove it.

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple
Jamaica, for our honeymoon.

♥ Who has the worst temper?
Megan has a short fuse.  My fuse is longer, and it's connected to a larger powderkeg, I believe.

♥ Who does the cooking?
Megan is a great cook.  I like to cook, but don't do it often.

♥ Who is more social?
Megan talks on the phone more.  I go out more.

♥ Who is the neat Freak?
Neither of us.  Megan has sporadic OCD-level cleaning frenzies.  I would like to leave the house when they happen.  That said, I appreciate a tidy area, but don't like having to make it, but I am getting better at it.

♥ Who is the more stubborn?
She is.  I'm fairly flexible, provided I see things coming more than 1 hour down the line.

♥ Who hogs the bed?
She can actually take up most of the bed by stretching out in the time it took me to go to the bathroom.  I come back, and find difficulty sneaking back in without waking her.

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
She does, on weekdays, cause she takes longer to get ready.  On the weekends, I get up to watch cartoons on the weekend, but if we've got to go somewhere, she'll make me get up first, which means I sit and wait....and watch cartoons, so I can't complain too much.

♥ Where was your first date?
Heh. Nonclave 2001.

♥ Who has the bigger family?
I do.

♥ Do you get flowers often?
Megan has never given me flowers.  I'd prefer a food basket.

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
Usually at my familiy's homes.  I miss going to Tennessee.  I need to go visit.

♥ Who is more jealous?

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
We moved very fast.  I think, personally, we got serious just by talking to each other, separated by 800 miles.

♥ Who eats more?
I do.

♥ Who does/ did the laundry?
She washes the clothes.  I fold and sort.

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
We're both savvy.  I DO, however, have a broader range of skills, I believe.

♥ Who drives when you are together?
We both do.

♥ Who has the craziest exes?
Her.  Mine are mostly still friends.

♥ Who sings better?
I do, but she's better than she thinks.

♥ Who picks where you go to dinner?
I do.  She won't pick.

♥ Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
I am.

♥ Who wears the pants in the relationship?
We both do.

♥ Who has more tattoos?
She does.

♥ Who eats more sweets?
She does.

♥ Who cries more?
She does.  I cry on the inside.  :P.

Megan wanted me to do this....


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