Aug 03, 2007 10:36
In know it took me quite long to discover you and your adventures and I really like and enjoy them - especially since I've actually been to some of the places in Toronto mentioned in the first case. And now this story about that mad guy shooting wer!
It probably took me so long to start with your story as I'm not particularly fond of "crime" and "detective"-stories in the first place...
The reason why I'm writing today: you know, there's this Potter guy and I really have the urgent feeling that I need to see him through his story first! He's so present and everybody's been waiting for such a long time and this is the conclusion of everything (he might even die!) - and plainly I fear that somebody might tell me what's happening before I can see for myself. So I wanted to write a short note, just to let you know that I've put your story aside - but just for the moment! I mean, Vikki, you'll be fine on your own! Just try and let go and let Henry help you, let him be your eyes at night! I fully understand you - it would make me so crazy to no longer be in control of a situation and hindered sight at night would be a nightmare for me. But I think you'll be fine if you'll let Henry help you!
BTW - I definitely wouldn't date somebody who's shorter than me! But perhaps that's just me! :-)
And - promise! - when I've seen the end of that Potter-story, I'll immediately catch up! And you're following cases are on top of my to-read pile!
Take care!