Oct 04, 2005 08:35
so ive finally registered for the GREs. the date? NOVEMBER 15 9AM!
in other news, well... its personal. just like to say its not like i havent been through this before. ive taught myself to deal with it. what can you do? nothing! things will probably never be the same and i guess "thats whats best." ive tried and ive been trying, but i feel my efforts are being wasted and im being told to focus on other things.
not everything should be done for some end result. there are things that should obviously, but this isnt one of them. if you dont focus on the present and be forever doomed with an uncertain future or dwell too much on the past, then you'll just lose everything you got going for you, or at least perhaps, one really good thing...
this isnt goodbye, but it is the end of something. hope your happy with this decision, maybe i will be too in a couple of days.