(no subject)

Apr 16, 2012 18:24

...I have a theory. About BUF. ("Big Ugly Flower" - it's a common parasite on fat lady clothing. Often hibiscus.)

See, someone told someone that fat ladies *like* wearing mumus. And mumus often have hibiscus/tropical prints. So that someone decided that, since fatties like mumus so much, they must recall the damn things with EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING. Hence, the rash of BUF.

(I don't deny that I've got a couple of ghastly dresses I wear around the house when a) nobody is coming over, b) everything else is filthy and c) I just need to be not-naked but don't want to wear clothing. They're as comfy as they are fugly. I'm morally opposed to being seen by anyone other than maybe D, and even then, if he never saw me in one of them, I'd be fine with that.)


Originally posted at http://roisnoir.dreamwidth.org/1208069.html - comment here or there, as you will.
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