Oct 27, 2005 22:04
Had my quarterly follow-up with my PCP today. He's very happy with me. Weight: 190 lbs (down 9 lbs since my last visit in July), blood pressure is fine, EKG is fine (they like to do one once a year, I presume because I'm diabetic and thus prone to possible heart problems). They got blood from me on the first try (yay) and I got my flu shot.
Later this afternoon I got a pre-op call from the surgery center regarding my surgery on November 1st, asking me various health-related questions and reminding me about no food/drink after midnight, don't wear any jewelry, bring my ID but no valuables, have someone there to drive me home, don't wear nail polish, wear something easy to get on/off, blah blah blah. ;)
They're going to call me back about how much (if any) Lantus insulin to take the morning of the surgery. When I had my surgery in September, they told me to take 7 unit (I typically take 24). This doctor told me to take half my usual dose. The surgery center is going to call me back and let me know how much to take, because it's not like I'm going to be eating at all that morning, and probably not much most of the afternoon as I'll probably sleep alot. The surgery will last about 5 hours, and of course they don't want my blood sugar to drop too low. Meh.
At any rate, I'll keep ya informed. :)
Edited 10-28 to Add: The surgery that I'm having done on 11-1 is the breast lift as well as getting the upper arms de-flabbed (brachioplasty). No more droopy bewbies & bat wings for me! ;)