It begins with the first step.
Gravel crunches beneath my sneakers,
As I solemnly walk the labyrinthine path
Around the pristine perimeter;
Wending inward, mind wandering,
Creating enchantment inch by inch -
Birdsong and bees as punctuation.
Spanish moss drips from oak branches,
Mirroring the perspiration on my brow.
I pass another silent pedestrian,
Each of us closing in on the center point.
I slow, and fill my lungs with humid air.
Thoughts quiet in concentration.
Classical in its unicursal design,
Once more the path curves around.
No Minotaur hides from sight here -
There are no walls nor tall hedges.
Peace falls, amazingly unhindered.
Unraveling stress through meditation.
The journey is a circuitous one.
Photo shows a partial image of the Labyrinth, delineated in shades of light and darker brown, looking from the outer edge in towards the center. There are tall, lush dark green trees and a bit of river visible in the background. The sky is blue with puffy clouds. Photo was taken by me at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina this past May.