Of Lines and Circles

Jan 30, 2010 01:23

They're trying out a new phone system at work, which they finished installing around noonish today, without telling very many people about it. I'd thought that the phones were *screwed up* because they would ring once then sort of disappear off my switchboard before I could answer it.

Turns out that is what it is supposed to do, especially since many of the teams in our building don't have a secretary any more.

So now, if someone were to call my team's phone number, they'll get a recording that thanks them for calling, then giving them options of buttons to push (1 for the supervisor, 2 for the secretary, 3-9 for the rest of the team members, etc) to get the person they want. If the person that they are trying to reach is on another line, the call will go directly to their voice mail. If they don't answer their phone, the call will go to voice mail.

This may annoy some of the workers, who are used to me (or someone) answering the phone, asking who is calling, and letting them know so that they can screen calls. One of my workers especially will be hating this, since she has a client who calls fairly often that she rarely takes calls from (although on the other hand, if she answered the calls, maybe the woman would call less often).

They're going to try the system for a few days at least and see how it works out. In the meantime, I'll enjoy doing other things besides answering the phone, although it will occasionally ring back to me if the caller needs immediate assistance and isn't able to get through to their worker. We'll see how it goes.

At least it means I can take a full lunch more often now, since I don't have to worry about phone coverage!

In other news, I made a turkey pot pie for supper tonight. It tasted good, and was cooked properly, but I think I failed on my "crimping the pie crust" roll, LOL. Ah well - 'tis a minor point. :)

food, work

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