I heard
this song again today. It's actually from a year and a half ago, and I almost certainly heard it the week it was written, but I just got a new MP3 player and heard a bunch of stuff again.
Anyway, the song talks about people over on Wikipedia that spend lots of time arguing for or against deleting pages with no content. It's true that these people exist, and maybe it's true that they have no life outside of this endeavor. My problem is not with those remarks, but with the sentiment that this is in some way bad. I think some pages do not belong on Wikipedia, but had a problem reconciling this opinion with Smith's statement "Web pages are in short supply, and what if we run out?"
Then this morning I came across
this page on Wikipedia while trying to figure out how to input the Greek letter rho. I think this is a stellar example of a page that does not belong on Wikipedia, and in fact Wikipedia is a worse website for including the page. Of course, this doesn't mean any given rule about page deletion is the "right" one, if there can even be such a thing. But it does mean that one can't argue against page-deletion simply on the basis of "there are enough web pages, so why not include everything?"