'recommended reading' article about gifted children.
my (now sent) reply:
hi steph. i just read your old "is it a cheetah" article, and what
caught my eye was in the last paragraph: "we will continue to lose
I was a gifted kid in school, and even though i was identified and
given access to a statefunded (Western Australia) gifted extra
curricular course - nothing's perfect and i was still pretty torn up
by the time i got outof school. So, post school... here i am,
obviously not a cheetah success story (i'd know if i were). It took
me a number of years to stop my head spinning and truly take stock of
where i was. So now that i've got hindsight, i know what i was and
(unfortunately) what i may have missed during that ... so uh, NOW
What you say there about 'loosing the kids', what does this mean for
the kid specifically? What is your experience and/or thoughts on
those 'lost children'. They don't just disappear leaving the
education system to mourn their loss - no they don't fall off the
world, they must grow into adults. Perhaps STILL without any cheetah
role models to look to.
What are your thoughts on Limpy cheetahs? :-)
If the childhood window closes, is that it? final? Kids are just too
darned cute for us to NOT take care of them. I'm 24, not short & cute
anymore, does anyone care what happens now? Or is this the point
where we all turn our once adorable "gifted" lapel pins over to reveal
their harsh reality adult versions: "mentally ill".
not quite done with development yet
-Jordan P