Jan 13, 2009 15:39

When artificial financial curbs for economic and social development are removed, there will be an issue of natural curbs, such as the population size, natural resources spending, environmental pollution, as well as limited capacities of existing production facilities. Under a reasonable investment policy, which stimulates human creative potential, production capacities can always be boosted. The main issue here is the issue of an efficient usage of exhaustible natural resources.

The modern creative society must take care of a wide-scale introduction of energy-saving and ecologically clean technologies and try to minimize the consumption (burning) of such exhaustible natural resources as oil and gas by replacing them with alternative energy sources received with the help of innovative technologies. It is for the development of such technologies that wide-scale investment funds should be channeled. As for live nature resources, the society is obliged to restore (breed) consumed resources on a necessary scale.

As we all know, the population size does not fall when there are three children per family on average, a rare occasion in modern civilized countries. Numerous incomplete families (one parent - one child) also lead to lower birth rates. The real fear to end up without means for living, the absence of confidence in the future and the reluctance to multiply poverty force people to behave in such an unproductive way.

But modern hi-tech and developed production infrastructure can afford an acceptable basic living standard for practically every person at his birth. The current financial system of producing and distributing money slows the process down. The acceptable life standard is not the problem a modern individual should be worried about. He must have other aims in mind. One of the key tasks must be the upbringing of a harmonious person, free from fears and phobias bred by the skewness economic system, which is not aimed at long-term people’s interests but at the infamous profit.

When there is no fear to end up without means for survival, the fact that people will cease wasting their precious time of life running after gains (profits) becomes obvious. Many of them will switch their priorities towards arts, to the creation and development of harmonious and successful family and social relationships.

Demand for touristic business services will rise manifold. Art and applied art items will be in more demand. But the production of many excessive industrial goods, which clatter up houses and living space of people and imposed via aggressive advertising, will shrink.

The advertising industry itself will be drastically changed. It will cease imposing the standard of a glamorous way of life on the society, because human identity (individuality) and uniqueness will be appreciated more.

It would be naïve to think that the new system will provide people with an easy life without suffering and tensions. Creative processes (unlike work to tooled patterns) require incommensurable effort of the brain and soul. This is why those who are involved in creation say: This is my pain. But it is the self-fulfillment that is the necessary precondition for self-enrichment, on the one hand, and the man’s highest need, which he strives to satisfy himself (of course, if all his other needs are satisfied, as Maslow says).

But as people evolve, they face more difficult problems. This means that we are constantly complicating our environment for the best effect, but this is the way of progress.
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