First of all, hope all the Delhiites in here are safe.
1. Blasts in Delhi
No such violent act is a shock in India, sure, but if it hits so close to home, it nonetheless is somewhat terrifying. SN market is where i've always done my shopping, and believe me that place is packed on the weekends. Not to mention the fact that Diwali's on tuesday and Id in a week, and i'm sure there was hardly standing room at SN when the bomb went off. The neck-bead (is that how they're called?) that i bought from a street vendor at the market couple of months back makes me wonder if she's alright.
2. Conservative Paranoia
No offence, Raja, but this report is the single-most stupid report I've ever seen in any news source of the slightest repute: The tautology here is that the system that you live in will influence your beliefs.
The problems are that, first, if the prevailing regime conditions one's political beliefs, then can't one use the logic to say that indeed capitalism is also a construct of capitalism.
Second, and this logic is just so damn inane-- in order to lessen poverty some sort of redistribution is needed. Therefore, in order for their redistributive policies to be supported, the Left wants to keep people poor. WHAT??? The author has totally fetishized 'redistribution' as something people want for its own sake. Mr.Raghavan, lessening poverty is the goal, and redistribution the means. Not the other way around.
Finally, the dichotomy this piece works on projects 'redistribution' against 'growth', as if 'growth' (this, btw, is such a trope in itself) is a necessary and essentially positive outcome of letting the rich get richer, while the gap widens.
What a stupid prick!