Jan 11, 2005 20:48
Well earlier today i was contemplaing how i had not achieved much in highschool and feeling bad and stuff...but then comes a puppy. It turns out my brother's friend cant keep her, so we are puppysitting for a coupla weeks. She is a Lab/Rottweiler mix and her name is Callie. she is absolutely adorable. my dog Pete just barked at her for a coupla seconds then ignored her. its amazing how an animal can make you feel so much better, especially a puppy. i swear my mood did a 180 when i heard the word "puppy"...shes all cuddly and floppy in your arms and stuff. wow shes cute. i will have pictures up in a coupla days, didnt want to traumatize her w/flash camera tonight, but tommorow when its light out i will get them w/the digital and upload them for the sum total of one person who i think actualy reads my website. off for now