Mar 25, 2004 23:24
hey guys,
its time for the annual rohan rockets awards. these are awards who are given to those generous and thoughtful people who perform acts of kindness towards me on all thoes march 25ths :P
best balloons: khaldia khaled
best wrapping paper: leslie olivier (she outdid everyone by a lot on this one)
best salt shaker: carole moser
most thug present: karan patel
most comfortable present: jacob thomas and ishan my bro for life
best poem: raymond chun
best sounding present/most euphonous (yea SAT :\) - leslie olivier
best collage - naomi gebrulrerul (awesome!)
best tasting/most fattening present - shruti gupta and laura matthews
best profile - leslie olivier
and thanks for the cards too guys :) and to everyone who said happy birthday, thank u too, and to all of those who leave me a message on AIM saying happy birthday and then sign RIGHT off before i can say thanks...thanks to u too
i have the same birthday as madam handal. me and her are so alike :P