Oct 25, 2005 12:47
being sick sucks. i love missing massive amounts of school.
i don't even get to enjoy the cold weather!
went to the dr. this morning. i have to go back at 2:15 to see what the blood tests say. yes, they took blood. ugh. i don't know what the hell people were thinking when they came up with that shit. 'let's stab each other to find out what's wrong!' bah.
i have to get my voice back for saturday. i'm being a horrible UPC member up to this point. I have to show up and pretend to be peppy tomorrow at Yell Like Hell. But I'm missing the Drive In movie tonight. it's entirely too cold to be sitting outside when i can't breathe as it is. But i HAVE to have a voice on Saturday, cause i can't bail on that. Jason's a super hero and all, but i doubt he wants to MC it by himself.
well i think i'm going to watch some of Robot's until i have to go back to the dr. My only form of contact is the internet, cause i can't talk on the phone. If you call me you may get lucky and have Joelle dictate for me... but that's the best you'll get at this point.