I cant believe I almost passed the chance of being on radio !
Got a call from
Radio City asking if I could be on air the next morning (day before). They were having a show on Bangaloreans doing things a little differently. And I got called for biking to work and because of
BumsOnTheSaddle Didnt think too much about this, was only worried about screwing up as this was going to be a live show ! What if you say something wrong, what if you are unable to say anything - in front of tons of Bangaloreans !!! Sheesh. What a way to start a day.
RJ Vasanthi at the Radio city studio - in action
But then I must admit it was one helluva experience. It was the Breakfast show, with the award winning
RJ Vasanthi who was extremely nice and made me comfortable in no time at all :) The next time you are listening to the Radio City Breakfast show this is what Vasathi is doing - playing music, checking sms's which are pouring onto here system, taking calls from listeners, figuring out what to talk next to the guest on the show, drinking coffee, taking personal calls and chatting away with the guest and at the same time doing short segments on the show like traffic update etc etc. All at the same time. Kinda incredible !
Moral of the story - never say no to things like this. Go. Experience !
Just when I was starting to get comfortable and was all loosened up to talk it was all over ! Sigh.
Did manage to talk a little bit about the bicycling scene in Bangalore and what it takes to bicycle to work. Wish I had a more planned agenda. Figured Radio is a really powerful medium that can reach so many people at once ! Next time :)
came out to a familiar Bangalore scene. Traffic Jams. Sigh !
Balloon pricked.
TVs Still rule compared to the radio. A quick look at Google Analytics stats after this short interview on radio showed
Till date nothing has generated traffic like the
interview on CNN IBN did. Interesting huh.