A Geeky stat holliday.

Nov 12, 2005 10:05

Played a three game mini-campaign last night. We created a tree chart with the missions to be played in the event of a win/loss for each game played.

My opponent played a Witch Hunter army, I used my tried and true Space Wolves.

First was a kill team, me as the brute squads.

Some lucky dice rolling allowed me to corner his killteam, and once it was 6 on 9 in close combat it was all over for him.

2nd game was a 750 pt Ambush, be as attacker. I split my force pretty much 50/50. Force A had my wolf lord and Wolf Guard(5) in a Razorback, and an Attack Bike. Force B had a 9 man Bloodclaw pack with wolfguard in a rhino and an Attack Bike.

Force A deployed for me in hidding, while my opponent deployed his force (going on memory hear) of a Excosist, Immolator, Sister Battle Squad and Celestian(I think) armed with storm bolters, an priest ,a Comander chick armed with a Hell blaster pistol (some melta weapon that I came to hate) and last but not least a psycho squad of arco-flagullents *spit*.

Not one to sit back I charge my rhino in, dismounted my Wolflord and Guard, moved my bike up to withing about 12 inches of his Immolator and let rip.... only to miss with almost everything... killing NOTHING.... Not a good start... but you know... left no where to go but up...

so I thought...

He blased my Bike with his twin linked multi meltas, opened fire on my Wolflord killing two Guard. The then charged my guard with his arco squads, rolled a 6 for distance and one expired in a bloody vapor..

Hand to hand was... well... messy... My Wolflord struck first, killing one Arco, but they retaliated by killing all my Guard and wounding the Wolflord.

2nd Round I rolled well for re-enfocements... which turned the tide.. My bike came on and took out his Excosist, my Rhino w/ blood claws came on, opened up on his battle sisters and took out two. My Razorback with twin linked heavy bolters took down his celestian squad by about half. In hand to hand my wolf lord got, well... lucky and took out his arco's that round.

In the witch hunters turn the immolator fired and stunned my rhino, but my extra armor reduced that to a stagerd result. His Battle Sisters invoced a powere where all 6's to damage count as AP1... and took out all but 3 of my blood claws.... nasty...

His Commander chick opened up on my Wolflord with her hellpistol *spit* and burned a 1 foot hole in his chest... nasty little gun...

3rd and 4th rounds consisted of me mopping up his remaining forces, I ended up with a Wolfguard, attack bike, rhino and razorback still around...

3rd game was a Rear guard, but did not last long...

His Arco's made short work of my bike mounted wolfguard and battle leader, but I was able to bring them, and his sister squad down below half by the 4th round when my re-enforcements showed up and he conceded the tame...

This was his first battles (other than kill team and combat patrol) with his sisters. He has a huge eldar army, and we are about 50/50 in wins against each other over 15 years with that army. I dread his hellpistols and his arco-flagellents, and his Excosist looks like it could be nasty...

All in all a good day. My son(8) helped me roll, and played around with some of my models (he makes the appropriate tank track sound and shooty sounds :) ), and at one time he made 14 strait armor saves for me in the 2nd game. My fiance laffed at us alot for "playing with toys"... but hey....
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