spoiler/shippy thoughts on 'Doppleganger'

Oct 03, 2007 19:51

This is just going to be a few shippy highlights, I'm too tired to go into too much depth!!

I really liked this ep! and please excuse me crappy caps!!

Firstly... John and Rodney? HOT IN THE LEATHER!!! I didn't think Teyla was in the leather until later... seriously how good does she look!!

I'm a fan of the new uniforms on everyone, I know some people hate them though!

Ok, moving along... talking and walking and if you didn't think Teyla was in love with John before...

the 'Goodnight, John...". sigh and this look

Teyla's in LURVE!

Teyla's dream was good too, John complimenting her cooking (we all know Teyla is a bad cook)

Smirking Ronon (who is such a Shep/Teyla shipper!! LOL)

I've used the "It's just dinner!" line before too...

Ok scary dream and then the next morning Teyla is all uneasy around John at breakfast.. Ronon and Rodney being big mouths. Firstly, LOL at Joe and his ablility to make 'Really?!' a truely fuinny word...John "Was I the dashing hero saving you from the big bad monster?" and "Is she really made at me? I can't control what she dreams"

Also, LMAO!
Rodney: Do you have any idea how long I had nightmares about being eatenby a whale?
Ronon:  They haven't stopped have they?
Rodney: No...

Kate knows too... Also, Kate's eyes freaked me out throughout this ep!!

Keller was much better in this ep!

Guess we know where that wraith birthing scene is that Joe M talked about... icky!

Talking about Alien movie... prolly one of the most shippy things to me in the ep was they way Teyla said the Col Sheppard talks about it often, just hinting at how much time they spend together that we dont see!

Poor Kate, if I got a role on SGA and they told me I was goin to be a Dr someone, I wouldn't pack much!!

Ahh... now the hug! I think the events leading upto the hug are more shippy than they actual hug.. John lying on his bed, thinking about Teyla, gets up to go see her and there she is right outside his door "I was just coming to see you but I didn't know if you wanted to see me" then the hug... poor John didn't know what to do at first! I think they shock of having that much contact with Teyla knocked him for six! 
Teyla was still a little afraid of John still and yet he's the one she went to for comfort!!

And thus ends this post as I've run out of time before the season premiere of House!!

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