I should be asleep. Considering how tired I was this afternoon. And yet I'm not.
New icon in Honor of my Allie. (Yes I know I share her with lots of people. I'm special like that.) HEEE.
So four, well, technically three days till my birthday.
Y'all remember what I want right? Today is one of the 4 year olds birthday, He turns 5 today. We have girl with a birthday on the 17th, I think. Including mine, February has the most birthdays. without mine, February ties with October.
Speaking of birthdays and gifts. Valerie, J said thank you.
*sighs* I keep missing the trash can. god, I'm lazy.
Tomorrow we're going to Columbia to met up with my aunt to celebrate her birthday, which was technically yesterday. Momma told her we'd be there around 10, which means leaving here by 9, which means getting up at 8. SO, I guess I should go to bed.