Jan 27, 2010 00:18
This is to explain my new update system.
I will be doing a mass update the 22nd of every month. That starts next month as I will be performing the update the 30th for this month.
Back in December I started working on a bi-weekly update system so more of my stuff could get updated quicker but things kept getting in the way and it was postponed 5 times.=/.
I made the decision a day or so ago to change the system because of my left messing up more than normal.
For more than ten years I have had problems with it and never really knew why, glasses didn't seem to help but that was when I ages 8,9 and 13.
I thought it was a reaction from my allergy to Pine, there's even a pine tree in our front yard, I can look at it from my room it's so close.
Allergy medicine never worked and the other day I went for an eye exam and found out what was wrong, finally!
My left eye has dirt in it(How? I don't know) and astigmatism. My right eye has slight near-sightedness.
There have been some days where I could not even write at all, no matter how hard I strained for it.
I'm just grateful my right eye is in decent shape as I cannot read anything from my left eye alone. It's effed up essentially.