April Fools!

Apr 01, 2008 10:10

Originally published at BlackTabi Blog. You can comment here or there.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love pretzels!  I made another large batch of pretzels this weekend to bring into the office today.

But wait, look closer, notice anything odd about these pretzels?

In fact, the only thing pretzelish about these treats is the shape!  After seeing this fantastic pearl sugar in the King Arthur catalogue, I said to myself, “Man, that looks just like pretzel salt!  I need some - it would be great for April Fools!”

Not being overly impressed with the white sugar cookie pretzels in the King Arthur photo, I went looking for a good alternative.  I snagged this tasty chocolate pretzel recipe from the Not Derby Pie blog, and have been hoarding the idea literally for months.  While making my grocery list last week, I realized that April Fools was right around the corner, and congratulated myself on remembering my prank in time to actually pull it off.

I must say, these cookies only narrowly made it to today - not only do they look like delicious pretzels, they taste like very yummy chocolate cookies.

Happy April First, folks!

cook, food, life

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