Books! Books! Book!

Jun 27, 2011 11:52

 I have about 12 tabs open to different ebooks and I can't decide what to purchase. We are taking the train to New York City on Thursday which is ELEVENTY BILLION HOURS long. Okay, just 11, but still. Has anyone read the following:

The Psychopath Test
The Rape of Nanking (Yes, I like little summer reading)
Beauty Queens by Libby Bray (Looks like a mix between Hunger Game and Pretties)
Embassytown by China Meville (Or anything by this author)
The Water Rat of Wanchai
Girl with Glass Feet
A Visit from the Goon Squad
The Devil in the White City

Or anything else captivating that will make me forget my bum is numb and there are still ELEVENTY billion hours left.
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