Jan 17, 2008 22:07
- 01:44 New Blog Post: I told you once was not enough: Early this week, in preparation for the .. tinyurl.com/3b8crm #
- 06:19 the news where I live: www.theindychannel.com/news/15051234/detail.html #
- 07:53 we have stupid criminals who make the news. But it is NOT news that they made the national news.....please stop reporting it #
- 11:02 at the endocrinologist #
- 15:51 so nice to have enough memory in the system that it is not continually paging....yay. I work this baby hard. #
- 15:52 Have to decide if I am upgrading video card tonight or witing until weekend. One computer down would be nice... #
- 19:08 just did a reboot after installing new card and drivers....drumroll.... #
- 19:30 Oh yeah....no time to push it hard through its paces, but this will so work... #
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