executive privilege or abuse??

Jul 31, 2007 07:12

I am finally at my breaking point with how the Bush administration is abusing executive privilege. This is an important and powerful tool and should be wielded carefully and judiciously. Instead, the recent usage has felt more like a drunk foreign diplomat commiting a string of petty crimes, then using diplomatic immunity to escape from any penalty. The latest rounds of using executive privilege to cover up more of the US Attorney scandal makes me just a little naseous. Be a mensch, face the music for whatever stupid decisions you or your staff made. You can help out by signing the petition from the People for the American Way to require Miers and Bolten to appear to testify.

I just signed a petition calling on my Representative to reject the Bush Administration's sweeping claims of executive privilege and totake whatever steps are necessary to enforce these subpoenas, including supporting a resolution holding Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten in contempt.

Our President and Vice President keep trying to reshape the Constitution and declare themselves above the law. Congress must standup for itself and protect our constitutional checks and balances!

One of the next steps Congress can take is to vote to hold Miers andBolten in contempt. President Bush is trying to block Congressional oversight with blanket claims of executive privilege. The president has even ordered the Department of Justice not to enforce charges of Contempt of Congress. But Congress needs to fight this fight and send the president a message that its authority will not be ignored.

Click here to sign the petition: http://www.pfaw.org/go/ContemptOfCongress


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