May 14, 2007 22:13
I am media saturated and overstimulated.
Since getting my Treo last summer, I have been determined to rid myself of a million electronic devices and allow that one device to be my "everything" machine.
There is a lot of great software for the Treo, RSS readers, MP3 players, video players, photo software, email software, etc..
I have been trying. I really have.
My Treo was pushed to the max. Even with the biggest SD card I could put in it, I was constantly pushing its limits.
But I was only, carrying one electronic device.. so it was OK.
Then I started to run out of space completely. Bad. Evil. Crashing phone.
It is not good when your cell phone crashes and reboots when you are trying to answer a call, because you had push email running and were listening to a large audio book at the time. Especially when you do production support. Yes, it is my personal cell phone, not work's phone, but it gives me the freedom to be a mom and still work full time. Phone crashing is a bad thing. It sort of defeats the point of having a cell phone in the first place.
At the end of last week, I had it crash on me three times in just a couple of hours, and I finally reached my breaking point.. so I bought an iPOD for my media immersion and pulled the media off my phone ( except for a few pictures..) No crashes since, and I am having a lot of phone with the iPod. Now that Apple is moving away from DRM, I can feel less guilt about supporting the evil Fruit Media Empire.
And.... since I an now hold a lot more music on a device at once, I have become re-inspired to rip more CDs and have them available. ( at some point I will have so many choices, I will just have to resort to the meantime, I am busy building playlists of various mixes...). I have been running background imports into iTunes off and on over the weekend... and my iTunes library is currently sitting at 4740 items. Yes, that includes some podcasts. Yes, that includes some Podiobooks subscriptions, but it is also a heck of a lot of music... I will keep going until all the CDs have been ripped.... I am determined to make it this time...